stc Group signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and the Ta’allam Association to provide university education opportunities for students from the families of social security beneficiaries, on the sidelines of the launching ceremony of the social responsibility platform, which was held in Riyadh, in the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, Engineer Ahmed Al-Rajhi.

The agreement aims to provide university scholarships in technical majors for male and female students who are beneficiaries of social security families by providing support and assistance to complete their education in order to contribute to the possibility of enhancing their access to job opportunities in the future, which contributes to improving the quality of life and enriching the knowledge aspect that enhances the value of solidarity and empowers members of society in all its categories.

This agreement comes as an initiative by the stc group, based on its keenness to activate its role in its social responsibilities as one of the most prominent national companies. society in various fields.

This agreement came as part of the activities of the Corporate Social Responsibility Day and an affirmation of unifying efforts between various entities and sectors to enhance companies’ fulfillment of their social responsibility by providing partnerships in various fields to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 by enhancing social responsibility, upgrading the labor market and empowering groups sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development through Providing a distinguished experience for the beneficiaries, in accordance with its vision of a vibrant, empowering society and a distinguished work environment that contributes to achieving sustainable development