During an interview with TechAfrica News at MWC Barcelona, Roman Khalenkov, the Chief Commercial Officer of PortaOne, discussed how their technology can help MVNOs establish themselves in the African market. Khalenkov highlighted the key challenges MVNOs face, including the lack of infrastructure and high operational costs, and how PortaOne’s technology can help overcome these challenges.
Staying ahead of the competition for MVNOs means being agile and you need to move fast. The PortaOne solutions are allowing and enabling our customers to move fast on the very dynamic African market.
Roman Khalenkov, CCO of PortaOne
PortaOne offers features such as prepaid billing, real-time rating, and advanced reporting that are suited to the African market and meet the unique needs of African customers. Khalenkov also explained how PortaOne plans to help telcos using their software stay ahead of the competition by continuously improving and updating their technology.
Andriy Zhylenko, CEO of PortaOne
We also had the chance to speak with the CEO of PortaOne, Andriy Zhylenko who shared with us what stands behind their successful MVNO partnerships. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Zhylenko has led PortaOne to become one of the leading companies providing solutions for the MNVO on the African market.
No MVNO exists in a vacuum – success depends on smart efficiencies, good partnerships, and the flexibility to quickly adapt to changing regulations and regional demands. In South Africa, for example, you have ICASA dictating that pop-ups need to be done in a certain way. In a different country, it will be something else. Low-code cloud integrations give you the freedom to use local teams to quickly customize new products and services that stand out in your own market, whether that’s unique bundles, bonus entertainment subscriptions, or anything else you want to design. Creating these integrations in a way that is sustainable, fast, affordable, and agile is what we at PortaOne see as the key to MVNO success.
Andriy Zhylenko, CEO of PortaOne