stc Group, the leading digital enabler in the region, participated in the Sustainable Partnerships Conference by signing a number of agreements with a group of Saudi universities to support research and innovation projects in the technical field in the Kingdom.
In a dialogue session for the Chief Executive Officer for Strategic Affairs, Eng. Abdullah Al-Kanhal, in which he emphasized the group’s pioneering role in promoting research and innovation through several axes, including the Inspirio program, which the group launched in 2015 to support emerging projects for entrepreneurs and university students. The program succeeded in graduating 75 startups that provided more than 600 thousand direct and indirect jobs. The group also supported direct investment in the research and innovation sector through venture capital funds through its support for the STV Fund with $500 million.
We recently raised the level of investment to $800 million.” Al-Kanhal concluded with the most important axis in the paths of support provided by the group to this sector, which is the partnership launched by the group with King Saud University through the establishment of a chair for scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence, which aimed to find solutions to the technical challenges facing the private sector.
Eng. Abdullah Al-Kanhal, Chief Executive Officer for Strategic Affairs, stc
During the conference, the group signed a number of agreements with the Saudi Telecommunications Engineering Society / King Saud University, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University through stc Academy, and Taif University. Through it, it aims to develop the communications sector by innovative means, develop communications engineering, raise the scientific and professional level of communications engineers in the Kingdom, cooperate in the digital transformation of university services and projects related to communications and information technology or emerging technologies, as well as research and innovation in the field of communications and advanced technologies and promote knowledge exchange. Scientific and technical support and enable the development of educational programs and joint research projects, in addition to nominating distinguished researchers and distinguished applied scientific research in the fields of communication, information technology and emerging technologies capable of research and development, and supporting and enabling innovative activities such as competitions and hackathons, in addition to striving towards enriching registered intellectual property content.
The agreements signed by the group stand out as one of the main ingredients for achieving our goals in sustainable development in the field of research and innovation, as our strategy revolves around enabling more vital sectors in the Kingdom. Which facilitates and accelerates the promotion of digital transformation, because of its positive impact on Public interest, whether for individuals, society or the business sector.
Eng. Abdullah Al-Kanhal, Chief Executive Officer for Strategic Affairs, stc
The Ministry of Education had organized this conference as part of its initiatives to strengthen the interdependence between universities as a source of knowledge production and development between the industrial and development sectors for the advancement and growth of the national economy and its sustainability. Scientific research is the main engine of development through the employment of knowledge and research results in various sectors.